Algocells Blog

Lumbar spine ligaments – have you ever heard of them?
June 19th 2021
I bet, when you complained to your doctor about your lower back pain, he or she did not mention lumbar spine ligaments as possible culprits. And there is a reason for this omission: until regenerative orthopaedics emerged it was impossible to effectively treat the lumbar spine ligaments.

Regenerative orthopaedics based on facts
May 21st 2021
Orthobiologics have gained a well deserved position in the musculoskeletal medicine as a new and promising non-invasive treatment applicable to many spine and musculoskeletal conditions. Every month witnesses new publications bringing more evidence, changing the practice and opening new perspectives for the future.

2021 Global Year about Back Pain
February 14th 2021
2021 has been announced a “Global Year About Back Pain” by leading pain organisations. Indeed back pain is a major healthcare financial burden in the developed world. Besides it hurts… And in the pandemic we spent more time at home, working in our ad-hoc “home offices”, be it a kitchen table or bedroom. We don’t have at home fancy ergonomic chairs and desks. And we move less. Hence we have seen a “pandemic” of lower back pains in recent twelve months.
Let me tell you my view on back pain treatments and how this view has evolved…

We are moving to London
October 17th 2020
Exciting news: from November our clinic and treatment facilities will be in Chelsea in London. We will be able to offer much better conditions, more space and easy access to the clinic. Our clinic will be within the Smart Clinics, although Algocells remains independent Regenexx affiliate.

Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) tears
September 24th 2020
Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) is a common victim of knee injuries. It is particularly vulnerable to twisting movements, such as ones during skiing, snowboarding and playing football. ACL plays a crucial role in stabilising knee joint. Its tear is one of the commonest sport injuries.